About Letters from Aurelia ✨

Hi! My name is Aurora. I’m that friend at a party who insists in showing a youtube video you’re going to love. And then you don’t.

Letters from Aurelia is a weekly newsletter about curiosity and learning. This newsletter is the result of two years of ideation collecting stories from my childhood, curating channels of inspiration and urging myself to stop taking myself so seriously.

What can you expect?

In these letters I will share ideas and notes from my learning sessions. Sometimes that may be a collections of songs I discovered while drinking wine and how that’s a totally acceptable activity for a Friday evening. Some other times it’ll be a different type of discovery on a topic I’m passionate about, for example:

  • ✨ Art, design and systems

  • ✍️ Books and storytelling

  • 💛 Mental health and self-empowerment

  • ✊ Feminism, social justice and equality

You can also expect swearing, mild self-deprecation and hopefully a good summary of the things I learn as I continue to grow. I want this to be a personal and honest way for me to stay inspired and connect with you if you happen to subscribe. If you do, thank you for sticking around, I hope this makes you smile. 💖

Subscribe to Letters from Aurelia

Curiosity can be trained. I'll show you.


Design systems at @GitHub | She/her | #BlackTransLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter